Photonic Health

As horse owners, we know how much work it can be to keep your horses healthy and in tip top condition. It’s easy to feel lost and overwhelmed all the different treatments that could help your horse. We can help.

Photonic Health devices are designed specifically for horses to address numerous issues quickly & easily all with one device. Time with your horse is too precious to be limited by pain or injury. We can provide suggestions and assistance with obtaining the tools & education you need to give your horse the happy, healthy, pain-free life they deserve.

Some horse conditions light therapy works:

  • Acute Injuries
  • Allergies
  • Lead Change Issues
  • Colic
  • Lameness
  • Hyoid
  • Laminitis
  • Navicular
  • Viral Infections

And much more.


If you are interested in purchasing some of the tools that will enable you to keep your horse (or any horse) healthy and happy, please click on the link below.

PLEASE NOTE: When you make a purchase of any product through this website, Broadhead Equine gives you a 20% Discount off any product automatically at checkout!

Photonic Health Tools 

Immediately after giving the horse a vaccine, illuminate the horse on the vaccine site and their wellness points to reduce the chance of side effects or soreness.

Hoof wellness.

Wellness points.