
Many years ago, Heather took up horsemanship to fulfil a lifelong desire to ride and eventually train. Heather sought out guidance on what path best to follow and was advised to investigate the Parelli Method of Natural Horsemanship. She excelled and has never looked back. Heather continues to train.

Through her training process she became aware of Near Infra-Red Light Therapy for horses and its calming and healing powers. To advance her own skills and her desire to help riders and horses, the decision was made to educate to a higher level. Heather has gained professional designations in the fields of Train Your Seat Equestrian Bio-Mechanics Coaching and also Near Infra-Red Light Therapy through the Photonic Health company. 

Her new career path and training now affords Heather to offer private lessons for the Train Your Seat Equestrian (and clinic formats) along with horse therapy through her training in Near Infra-Red Light Therapy for animals. 

Heather is fully trained/certified in:

  • Equestrian Pelvic Power Trainer 
  • Equestrian Ball Trainer
  • Equestrian Breathing Trainer
  • Equestrian Lower Leg Trainer
  • Equestrian Shoulder Trainer (Shoulder/Jaw/Elbow/Hand)
  • Photonic Health Light Ambassador