Equestrian Lower Leg

Train Your Seat Equestrian has helped equestrians take their riding to the next level by unlocking old patterns in the body and tapping into new skills for improving your movement and your relationship with your horse, so your riding feels strong, seamless, and intuitive. Learn about TYS imagery and embodiments of the lower leg as they apply to riding, as well as training and conditioning in and out of the saddle. Our unique core principles, include anatomical education, embodied function, and Dynamic-Neurocognitive Imagery® (DNI), as they directly apply to equestrian riding. Learn TYS mind-body exercises and imagery both in and out of the saddle. From warm-up to riding lessons, with TYS you’ll quickly see the tangible results you’ve been looking for.

Your Posture

Foot posture is known to influence pelvic alignment both in and out of the saddle. Studies have shown that during standing with one foot in excessive pronation, the pelvis will drop towards the same foot. This can also be seen in the saddle; when one foot is over pronated, it can collapse the hip to the same side.

If you are struggling with pelvic position saddle and you are ONLY focusing on the pelvis, you might be missing the root of the problem which could be stemming from your feet in the stirrups.




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