

In the Train Your Seat Equestrian we use imagery a lot to assist the rider to focus on the experience and to imagine the movement and how it affects their body as well as the movement with and on the horse.

In imagining that the diaphragm is a trampoline, with your lungs and heart jumping up and down on your diaphragm can assist the rider in understanding the movement and coordination with the entire core and their balance in their seat.

The diaphragm does in fact need to shorten to lower itself downward when you inhale. The organs do not move much when you breathe very lightly. They go down and are compressed, like a sponge. When you breathe deeper, there is a complex adjusting of the organs. They cannot go backward, due to the spine, so they must go forward and down, expanding the abdominal wall and, also the pelvic floor.

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