Motor Preferences Coach

‘When you understand yourself and your body, riding becomes easier”  

To move efficiently our body makes use of muscle and fascia connections (slings) all through the body. Did you know: it depends on a person's character as to which one of these slings are most activated. If you influence that sling, you can influence how the whole body moves and works together! Everybody has a preferred way to process information. A cue that fits your preferred learning style will be more efficient and give better results. 

As a trainer and teacher it is our responsibility to try and fit our instructions to our students. But how do you know what will fit? The way a person moves can say a lot about their preferred learning style. Instruction is given by getting to the core of the riders ability to learn (their personal ‘learning style’ is achieved). With Action Types and motor preferences, you can find what literally moves a person. Playing on their strength by adapting the teaching style to fit their preferred way of moving and learning.